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  • Writer's pictureEryn Cade

Single Use

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

Week 6

We talked about single-use items. The items we worked with were Kleenex, aluminum foil, and a trash bag. These items have one thing in common, you can only use them one time before you need to get some more of the item. In class, we journaled for about 5 minutes about what we thought single-use items or materials. As I reflected, the way I thought about these single use items is something that you can't get back. The first image that came to mind were raffle tickets like the ones you get at a movie theater or giveaway. I also thought about an individually wrapped peppermint. So we had the opportunity to work with an item and I chose the trash bag. I had a lot of elements to play with using this item and it was probably the most fun exploring because of those elements. With the trash bag, I was able to play with the resistance and the quality of it floating. The other items I couldn't manipulate as much. The foil had a lot of elements as well because I could make shapes, but it was not as interesting to me. After we explored each item, we took time to mind map about some of the qualities. Mind mapping helped me with my MFA work because in my rehearsals it taught me how there are multiple words that convey the same message. It taught how to communicate the same thing in a different way. It is definitely a matter of progress over product. That concept is not easy for me because as a dancer I'm so product oriented and I desire to get everything right. I feel like that's something that kind of comes with time and I feel like I didn't do my best with communicating my thoughts and ideas in rehearsals but I tried my best. I liked experimenting with the single use objects because it was an innovative way to think about movement and communication.

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